Most Flattering Lengths for Necklaces
What are you wearing right now?
The neckline of your garment is one of the most critical elements of fashion.
So is knowing your personal style. What’s in your wardrobe - classic crew, button-up, button-down, V-neck, scoop neck, turtleneck, straps? The only thing that doesn’t work is when your necklace awkwardly meets the neckline. Celtic Copper offers standard sizes and custom options in almost every department, including copper necklaces and pendant chains.
Know the best drape for your fit and function. The 18-inch and 20-inch pendant chain necklace lengths are by far the most popular; perfect for classic crewneck t-shirts, sweaters, and button up casual. They have the advantage of staying close to heart when you lean over and rarely dangle anywhere they are not supposed to.
An eighteen-inch necklace, on a 13-inch neck, drapes just below the collar bone and place your pendant high on the chest. Twenty-inch necklace chains create the same flattering drape for larger neck measurements.
Going Longer… If you want to be able to see and admire your own pretty pendant, chain or string of pearls; go with the longer, “over-the-head” length known as opera length. The “opera length” necklace is 26 - 36 inches long and offers many attractive options. Opera length necklaces are great paired with V-necks, scoop necks, turtle necks, strapless, low-cut blouses, shirts, and camisoles.
Our jewelry looks great in the buff too. You just need to know how to drape yourself. We will go any length to fit your fashion. Until our next blog post, all of our Custom Necklaces are 20% off with the coupon code: custom20percent